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Space Availability - UConn Health Sciences Library

Library reservable spaces policies

Who can use the spaces? UConn Health students, residents, and fellows who make a reservation. Please note: We will need to cancel reservations that do not fit this eligibility criteria. 

When can I reserve a space? You can reserve a space for use during regular library hours. 

How long can I reserve a space? Reservations are for 2 hours. You have 15 minutes after your reservation starts to arrive before it's cancelled. Please leave the space by the end of your reservation.

Can I book multiple sessions? You can't reserve a space consecutive times.

How can I cancel a reservation? You can cancel your appointment with the link at the bottom of your Booking Confirmation email. In rare cases, we may need to cancel your booking if the space is needed. 

Cancelation policy: You have 15 minutes after your reservation starts to arrive before it's canceled. 


Booking, usage policies, and FAQ


Checking in for your reservation

How do I check in? Come to the Information Desk to check in. You will leave your UConn Health ID and get a key to unlock the space. You will get your ID back when you return the key at the end of your reservation.

Need help? Contact the Information Desk: or 860-679-3808.

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